Screening (up to 21 days):
The first step is to go through the Informed Consent process, during which you will learn about the Cenobamate Monotherapy study from the site staff. The goal of this consent process is to make sure you understand the requirements of the study, the possible risks and benefits of participating in the study, and to give you a chance to ask questions. You will receive an Informed Consent to read that explains the study. Signing the form means you give permission for you to be part of the study. After that, there will be health checks and tests to determine if the participant meets the study requirements.
100 milligram per day Treatment Period (up to 32 weeks):
Participants who meet the study requirements will enter this period which includes 5 study visits and an up-titration to 100 mg/day. During visits, the seizure diary will be collected, the study drug will be given to participants, and health checks will be done.
200 milligram per day Treatment Period (up to 28 weeks):
Participants may enter this period if certain types of seizures are experienced during the 100 milligram per day Treatment Period and will be titrated up from 100 mg/day to 200 mg/day. This period includes 5 study visits. During visits, the seizure diary will be collected, the study drug will be given to participants, and health checks will be done.
Optional Extension Period (up to 26 weeks):
Participants can choose to enter this period after successful completion of the Treatment Period(s). This period includes 2 study visits. During visits, the seizure diary will be collected, the study drug will be given to participants, and health checks will be done.
Follow-up Period (2 to 4 weeks):
Participants who stop treatment early or do not wish to enter the Optional Extension Period will need to attend an end of study visit . After this, participants will complete a follow-up period which includes 1 follow-up visit (with a few exceptions). During this follow-up visit, health checks will be done.